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Conferences and Workshops


Attachment: Current Developments in Research, Theory, and Application



The conference brought  together many of the leading figures in attachment research and theory to present their current work on attachment with a request to focus on the implications of attachment for intervention with children and adults. The conference was organized around brief position papers and panel discussions among the participants.



Edward Z. Tronick, Ph.D.

Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts

Mary Jo Ward, Ph.D.

New York Hospital-Cornell Medical College New York, New York

Peter Fonagy, Ph.D.

University College London London, United Kingdom

Erik Hesse, Ph.D.

University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California

Myron A. Hofer, M.D.

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons New York, NY

Karlen Lyons-Ruth, Ph.D.

Cambridge Hospital- Harvard Medical School Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mary Main, Ph.D.

University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D.

Columbia University and NYU Postdoctoral Program New York, NY

Jay Belsky, Ph.D.

Pennsylvania State University University Park,Pennsylvania

Judith A. Crowell, M.D.

SUNY Stony Brook, NY

Arietta Slade, Ph.D.

City College of New York NY

L. Alan Sroufe, Ph.D.

University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN

June Sroufe, Ph.D.

University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN

Diana Diamond, Ph.D.

New York Hospital-Cornell Medical College New York, NY

Morris Eagle, Ph.D.

NYAC; Adelphi University Garden City, NY

Mary Target, Ph.D.

University College London London, United Kingdom




Adult Attachment: Theory to Research Conference


Based on the following article.


Also see: Attachment and Human Development Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2002; 230-242)

Also see related papers: (1)   (2)






























































For many years attachment theory and research developed relatively independently of psychoanalysis. In order to realize Bowlby's goal of signifcant influences on psychotherapy, we need to look anew at the relationship between the two fields. In particular, what can attachment research and theory offer to psychoanalytic approaches to treatment? Conversely, what can clinical experience offer attachment theory and research?


A conference based on the book by Morris Eagle, Ph.D..

























Attachment and Sexuality Conference


Although central to adult relationships, sexuality has received little attention within the Bowlby-Ainsworth tradition of attachment study. Contributors will present brief overviews of traditional psychoanalytic, behavioral-biological, and attachment perspectives on sexuality and adult-adult bonds. Dr. Morris Eagle will present the keynote address, "Attachment and Sexuality: The Paradoxes of Familiarity and Novelty". The other contributors, invited discussants, and guests will be invited to comment on Prof. Eagle's analysis.


























Key Article From Conference Presentations


Morris Eagle: Attachment and Sexuality


Related article:


Levy, K. N., & Kelly, K. M. 2006. An attachment theory perspective on sex differences in jealousy. In M. Mikulincer & G.Goodman (Eds.), Dynamics of romantic love: Attachment, caregiving, and sex. New York: Guilford. (



Related resources:

Attachment and Sexuality

edited by Diana Diamond, Sidney J. Blatt, Joseph D. Lichtenberg



Partial Support of the Reflective Function Conference 


Reflecting on the Future of Psychoanalysis: Mentalization, internalization, and representation


The psychoanalytic world is changing. One of the most exciting new developments has been the introduction of the terms “mentalization” and “reflective functioning” by Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, and their colleagues. The purpose of the conference is to consider the degree to which these new terms have changed the way psychoanalysts think about internalization, representation, and other central contemporary psychoanalytic ideas. How are the concepts of mentalization and reflective functioning related to psychoanalytic constructs? How are they distinct? What do these constructs add to questions of theory and technique? How do they change the way we work with patients? Have these constructs changed the landscape of psychoanalysis in meaningful ways?

Anthony Bateman, Sidney Blatt, Philip M. Bromberg, Susan Coates, Diana Diamond, Peter Fonagy, Glen Gabbard, Gyorgy Gergely, Karen Gilmore, Elliot Jurist, Otto Kernberg, Kimberlyn Leary, Linda Mayes, Stephen Seligman, Arietta Slade, Miriam Steele, Donnel Stern, Mary Target, Steve Tuber, Paul Wachtel, Lissa Weinstein & Zsolt Unoka




Attachment Representation Workshop 



NY Attachment Consortium:

Gary Cox-Steiner


Derner Center, Adelphi University:

Morris Eagle (Prof. Adelphi Univ.) 


Stony Brook University:

Susan Brockmeyer

Dave Corcoran

Judy Crowell (Prof. Child Psychiatry, Stony Brook) 

Everett Waters (Prof. Psychology)

Harriet Waters (Prof. Psychology)

Vanessa Gomes (Clincial Grad Student, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul [Brazil], 

Amanda Garcia (UG Mills College [Carol George] Summer research assistant)



Julie Aikens (UCONN Asst. Prof. Clinical) 

Jessie Borelli (Yale- Clinical Grad student) 

Daryn David (Yale- Clinical Grad student)


Bulent Turan (Stanford Personality Grad Student)

Markus Meier (Asst. Prof. Univ. Munich)

Andrew Elliot (Prof. Univ. Rochester) 

Leslie Atkinson (Center for Addiction & Mental Health and University of Toronto Dept. Psychiatry)


Measuring Attachment Project - A series of workshops Summer 2005 - Spring 2006


Strange Situation Workshop - Stony Brook June 2004




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