Center for Mental Health Promotion

2003 Awardees
Robert A. Hinde **
A Secure Base To John Bowlby,
Advocate And Friend To The
Bowlby-Ainsworth Traditio
Renowned for his breadth of knowledge and rigorous analyses of animal behavior and motivation, Robert Hinde played an important role in John Bowlby’s thinking about the place of evolution, behavior, and naturalistic observation in Attachment Theory.
Theoretical explorations need loyal advocates and thoughtful critics. Robert Hinde served effectively in these dual roles – both before and after Attachment Theory was well established. His support and friendship to Mary Ainsworth were constant throughout her career, extending also to the generations of her students. Through these contributions, Robert Hinde helped knit together the Bowlby-Ainsworth tradition.
James* and Joyce Robertson**
For Documenting And Improving
The Lives Of Young Children
In Difficult Circumstances
Every good theory begins with and preserves key descriptive insights. One of the pivotal steps toward modern Attachment Theory was recognizing the complexity of social and emotional life in infancy and early childhood. Patient, understanding, and genuinely caring about young children in difficult circumstances, James and Joyce Robertson entered their lives and captured on film the key phenomena of attachment and loss at the most vulnerable stages of life. Persuasive beyond words, their documentary studies removed obstacles to a new perspective and improved children’s lives. They remain powerful expressions of the content and the importance of Attachment Theory.
Christoph Heinicke**
Wedding The Insights Of Attachment
Theory To The Rigor Of Empirical Science
A sensitive clinical observer and enthusiastic researcher, Christoph Heinicke was an important early influence on John Bowlby’s thinking about attachment and loss. His work on Brief Separations helped insure that attachment study would become a scientific endeavor built upon both keen observation and close empirical analysis. His skillful translations of attachment and separation-individuation concepts into age appropriate measurement have been a model for generations of researchers studying early family adaptation in longitudinal perspective. The wisdom, care, and generosity manifest in his clinical work, teaching, and research are woven into the fabric of the Bowlby-Ainsworth tradition.
Special Award
Robert and Cherri Marvin
For Being A Secure Base
To Mary Ainsworth
Mary Ainsworth’s ties to many of her undergraduate and graduate students were unusually warm and undiminished by time and distance. Bob Marvin was among her first undergraduate assistants at Johns Hopkins. The bond forged with the Marvins in Baltimore became a great enjoyment when she joined Bob and Cherri in Charlottesville, Virginia. Throughout her career and retirement there they were friends and family. In her later years, they supported her many interests, helped maintain contacts with her far-flung family of students, and helped her meet every challenge. It was a great comfort to Mary, and to all who loved her, that the Marvins were always there for her - a secure base well deserved and well provided.
* Posthumous
* *Deceased